Wednesday 27 March 2013

What is digital Logic gates of electronics

Basic logic gate
The electronic circuit which makes logic decisions is called a digital logic gate. It has one out put and one or more out puts. The out put signal appears only for certain combinations of input signals. Logic gates are the basic building blocks from which most of the digital systems are built up. They implement the hard logic function based on the logical algebra developed by George boole which is called Boolean algebra.

The logic gate is described by definition , symbol, Boolean expression and truth table.

 A binary 0 represents 0V and binary 1 represents +5 V. It is common to refer to binary 0 as low input or out put and binary 1 represents as high input or out put. The truth table displays all possibilities of input and corresponding out put.

Digital gates

In previous paragraph we disuse general information out digital gates and there  are three digital basic gates called OR, AND,&  Not. Other are combination of these digital basic gates.


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